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Facebook brought new feature, help will be provided to the needy

Christmas and New Year are about to knock, but due to the corona virus, it is a difficult time for many people. In such a situation, Facebook has started a unique initiative to help the needy. The social media platform has introduced a new option on its site, which will make donations easier. It has been named the drive feature, which will be found under Computer Help. Through this feature, you can find out the needy or donor near you. According to the company, clothes, jackets, food and other essential items can be donated or obtained from it. This feature has just been released for the US and it will gradually reach all users. The company said that this feature will soon be launched in different corners of the world. Facebook will offer two options under this feature, including 'Offer Help' and 'Create Drive'. In a blog post on Monday, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg said that on Facebook and Instagram, $ 100 million has already been raised for the needy people who have

B.Tech from Delhi government employment portal, seeking jobs from BEd to illiterate

The queue of job seekers on the employment portal of the Delhi government is not ending. There are still more than 1 million people queuing for jobs. In this, not only the less educated or illiterate but 50 percent of the candidates studying for graduation and professional. The government claims that about a million vacancies have been closed through this employment portal in about a month. Which means or they got a job or they are in talks. More than 9 thousand employers have added 8.10 lakh jobs on the employment portal. A total of 10.51 lakh people are queuing up to get this job. It has 1.5 lakh people studying professional courses. 3.5 lakh people graduate. More than 70 thousand people have diploma holders. They are looking for jobs in the field of education, sales marketing, back office. The government says that a large number of people are getting jobs through this portal. How many people have got jobs so far? On this, the government says that so far a total of 22 lakh job